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Living Green

Living Green is a Clean technolgy company. Since its foundation, Living Green has grown into the largest worm farm in Ireland and the UK, and is the only company in Ireland that produces certified organic compost.
When producing worms, a by-product known as ‘worm cast’ is created. Worm cast is an excellent medium for growing plants. The Soil Association in the UK granted organic status to the worm cast produced by Living Green. The worm farm is now operated from six buildings, making it the largest worm farm in Ireland. The business supplies fishing tackle shops and small wholesalers across Ireland and England with worms in retail packs or in bulk sacks.
Yrityksen koko
Living Green helps to sustain its local community in Donegal by providing six jobs and also helps the organic farming sector by providing it with lower-cost higher-quality compost.
LEADER supported this venture through start-up funding: financing a biomass recycled wood-heating system along with a processing and harvesting unit, aimed at the re-use of worm compost as a peat-reduced general-purpose growing media for the organic market. This was followed over the next 9 years by further LEADER funding: two expansion grants and a research and development grant.